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Flight tickets


Vision Airlines to add five destinations


Vision Airlines thinks its next expansion of service from Northwest Florida Regional Airport is a sure bet: The airline will soon offer direct flights to Las Vegas.

Vision has announced plans to add five destinations starting the week of June 1. Other flights will be to and from Fort Lauderdale, St. Louis, Memphis, Tenn., and Lafayette, La.

“We see it as a good opportunity for growth,” said Clay Meek, marketing and business development director for Vision Airlines. “It’s increasing our exposure. It gives certainly the people of Northwest Florida many more options. It’s an opportunity to create a lot more reverse traffic.”

Meek said Vision’s original business model projected that 90 percent of its business would be from bringing tourists and business people to Northwest Florida. Now, Meek said Vision is trying to give local residents more travel options.

Meek said he believes the beaches of Northwest Florida will be a big draw for Las Vegas residents, but that Vegas also will be a popular destination for locals.

Mike Stenson, business development manager for Northwest Florida Regional, agreed. He said St. Louis and Memphis are also among the top 10 destinations people travel to from the airport.

“There are over 100 people a day that go from the three Northwest Florida airports to Las Vegas, and typically they’ve always had to pay high fares and always had to connect,” Stenson said. “Now they have non-stop service straight to Vegas, which I think is going to be a huge hit for people.”

In addition to offering new destinations, Vision Airlines will expand its service to and from Atlanta from four trips a week to daily.

While Vision is adding flights, two of its previous destinations are being discontinued.

Flights to Miami and Niagara Falls will end May 1. However, the decision to discontinue the Niagara Falls flight is a seasonal one. Vision is in talks with area snowbird associations and is expected to bring back the Niagara Falls flights sometime in November or December.

Miami is being discontinued permanently and is being replaced by Fort Lauderdale, which Meek said is much more affordable for Vision.