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Flights to Kharkiv


Kharkiv (Kharkov in Russian) is one of the Ukrainian region centres, rightfully carrying the title of a Ukrainian megalopolis - is a giant of the national industry, a big educational and cultural centre, and the biggest transport node of the Country of Ukraine.

The town is situated in the north-eastern part of Ukraine, on the border of two landscape belts - forest-steppe and steppe, near the junction of the Lopan and the Udy rivers, that flow into the Seversky Donets.

The territory of the town is a slightly rolling plane, grooved with river beds, clefts and valleys. The town sits on five hills and five vales. Its height above the sea level is between 90 and 192 m. Most of the town territory is 105 to 192 m. above the sea level.

Kharkiv is situated a long way away from oceans, however the sea air is often brought here with westerly and south westerly winds, which makes its climate temperate continental, with prolonged but not severe winter, which have characteristic frequent thaws. The summer is warm, sometimes hot. According to the Kharkiv meteorological service data collected over many years: the average yearly t° is 6.9°C; the coldest months are January (-7.1°C) and February (-6.7°C); the hottest months are July (20.5°C) and August (19.4°C).

The Kharkiv population level is second largest in Ukraine, and is now close to 1.5 millions. In Big Kharkiv (that is together with its suburbs) now live 2/3 of the Kharkiv region population and more than 4/5 of its town population. The huge level of housing and industrial construction, the increase of Kharkiv population caused by its swift development as an industrial and cultural centre during the Soviet period have led to a considerable extension of the town borders. At present the town takes up 303 square km., which is 5 times that of its territory before the 1917 revolution. In spite of its considerable size, the town's layout is tight. Well developed town transport network (underground, tram, trolley bus, bus, shuttle taxi) makes easily accessible any part of the town. As to the division of labour in Ukraine, Kharkiv is characterised by a high level of mechanical engineering and metal working industries. Among others high-tech based industries can be singled out as spurring further scientific progress: tractor and agricultural mechanical engineering, space technologies and aviation construction, machine tool construction, heavy engineering industry, power machinery construction. There are also big businesses engaged in light industry, food production, chemical industry. Building is highly developed as well.

Kharkiv is a big (if not the biggest) centre of science and culture in Ukraine. There are more than 60 scientific research institutes, more than 170 secondary education schools, more than 150 educational centres and special secondary education schools, the number of private and state owned higher education institutions has now reached 80. About 20,000 students graduate yearly from Kharkiv higher education institutions. There are 49 cultural centres and institutions, among them 5 museums, a town art gallery, six major theatres. There are more than 80 libraries in the town! These figures justify the opinion "Kharkiv is intellect" voiced recently by Konstantin Kevorkian, a popular TV presenter and journalist, the author of the TV series "The First Capital" dedicated to Kharkiv and of the book with the same title.

An outstanding feature of Kharkiv as an industrial giant is that among other similar towns it is one of the greenest. The green ranges of its parks and gardens, alleys and park areas are spread over 12 628 hectares. There are over 17 square metres of green area per citizen.

The construction of the railway played an important role in the industrial development of Kharkov. In 1869, a railway connection was established with Moscow, Petersburg and Rostov, and with the opening of Kharkov-Sevastopol, Kharkov-Nikolayev, and South-west (Balashovskaya) railways Kharkov became one of the major railway junctions of Russia. At the turn of XX century, Kharkov continues to grow as a large industrial and railway centre of the South of Russia. In 1917, the number of mechanical engineering and steel processing works exceeded 150, and the number of their employees increased to 35,000. Offices of the biggest syndicates in Russia such as "Prodamet" and "Produgol" were opened in the town. Also there were held conferences of businessmen involved in mining industry.

The town is divided into nine administrative units - districts: Dzerzhinsky, Kiyevsky, Kominternovsky, Leninsky, Moskovsky, Oktyabrsky, Ordzhonikidzevsky, Frunzensky, Chervonozavodsky.

Kharkiv is a town of great traditions, a town with remarkable destiny (and during certain periods with tragic one), a town that is proud for its past. A great impression on the character and habit of mind of the town was made by the period between 1917 - 1934 when the town was the capital of Soviet Ukraine. This may be a subject of animated and fascinating story told by local lore specialists. To begin with the fact that "The Igor Regiment" is directly connected with Kharkivians. Because the legendary battle of the Calca river took place near Izyum. Further on, Kharkiv has ever been a breeding ground for training military staff. It became the subject matter of the interesting book entitled "Kharkiv regiments - 300 years of history". For more than 100 years now, Kharkiv has been the law capital of Ukraine. It was here that the great achievements of national criminology were made. The lives of many well known writers, artists and actors, thinkers Vernadsky and Scovoroda are connected with Kharkiv.

The Ukrainian city of Kharkov has it's own airport located to the south east of the city. Flights arrive frequently from Kiev and from several other locations. The only direct flights from western or central Europe is Austrian Airlines departing from Vienna. Ukraine International Airlines consistently offer affordable flights from London Gatwick and other European airports direct to Kiev where an additional connecting flight to Kharkov is possible. The cost will vary but my last return flight to Kiev cost £160 inc taxes with an additional £60 for the return flight to Kharkov. If you want to try and locate another flight to Kharkov then a complete list of airlines that serve Kharkov directly from various departure points is below:

•Austrian Airlines
•Aerosvit Airlines
•Georgian Airways