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Drones : The future of Aviation ?.First Passenger Flights Scheduled in Dubai.


Constant Change
We have all seen the developments in new technology, all over the world, and indeed every night in front of us on the internet. The humanoid robots, the cell phones that order you everything from a pizza to a vacation. It is often challenging and confusing to keep up with scientific progress, and rightly so, we all have jobs and lives outside that small screen that we so love.
But nonetheless surprising
However, the latest news is really mindblowing. It is a straight play from all the 1960's cartoons; such as Roger Ramjet and the Jetsons. For it is something that has only just now been achieved on terra-firma, that is a computer-piloted flight or 'drone' with human passengers. Prior to this trains, and some buses had this attribute, but up to now planes had been excluded, for reasons which were pretty obvious on the safety front.
You would have expected that maybe the Far East would have led in this, for instance, the Samsungs and Toshiba's of this world, or other technological leaders.
It had to be Dubai
But in this case, it is the go-getting Arab state of Dubai that has taken the lead. In some senses, it is not that surprising since Dubai is a real market leader; regarding modernisation and forward thinking architecture. The whole state, in Dubai city, resembles a futuristic architects dream. The society is cash rich and can invest in the best of the best of all that is cutting-edge.
  • And it is not even at the development stage. Regular flights will commence in July, and that is from government sources (the Dubai City Roads, and Transportation Agency).
  • The new drone flight can carry a human passenger up to 220 pounds in weight and can stay in the air for around thirty minutes. In another innovation, the passenger selects the destination in an onboard touch screen (these are the only controls), and the drone is controlled by a computer center on the ground.In speed and distance terms; it can travel up to 100 miles per hour and over 31 miles on an electronic battery.
  • The Dubai authorities reassure prospective passengers that the Drone has already been flying in Dubai airspace, but whether with a human on board is not exactly clear. We do know that testing commenced in Nevada in June 2016.
As with all things new...
Scientific sources have said that they would like to see upwards of 1000 flying hours under the drones belt before they would endorse commercial flights.
Already, as always occurs with new developments, the military is way ahead: the Cormorant passenger drone will be in service around 2020, able to carry 500kg (or about six guys with equipment) it can make speeds up to 115mph.
But normality is still here
For those of you used to (and preferring) conventional forms of air travel, we can reassure you that www.paylessflights.com have a fantastic range of tried and tested airlines, operating routes at great prices all over the world.And Dubai is a fascinating place to see, day or night. Once seen rarely forgotten. We have some fantastic hotels too