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Flight tickets


American Airlines Introduces Happy Hour


The booze flight goes airborne in December, when American airlines launches a new promotion aimed at helping fliers take the edge off.

Starting on Dec. 1, the Fort Worth-based airline will offer discounted $5 cocktails on select flights that depart between 5 p.m. and 5:59 p.m. The airborne happy hours will take place only on domestic flights, and flights to the Caribbean and Mexico.

American's Vice President of Marketing, Rob Friedman, said the promotion is designed to add, "an element of fun" on board flights around the holidays. This, from a airline once accused of not knowing how to have any fun, by a Harvard business review writer.

One of business professor Tom Davenport's top complaints about American: "There are no fun drinks - something even Delta has!"

Delta and United have both introduced specialty cocktails on board. Delta just added two new ones in November including one called "Bourbon Breeze."