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Flight tickets


Mesa Airlines

General   |   Contact Info   |   Baggage Info   |   Traveling with Children   |   Traveling with Pets

Mesa Airlines Links
Airline Code:YV Website:http://www.mesa-air.com/ Frequent Flyer Program: Lounge: Airline Alliance:Star Alliance/Oneworld Alliance Magazine:
Phone Numbers

Reservations from the USA: 800.335.2247 (United) 800.223.5436 (American Airlines)

Code-share Partners

Baggage information

Mesa Airlines Inc. will asses a $10.00 fee for a passenger’s first checked bag and a $17.00 fee for a second checked bag. Checked baggage cannot exceed a weight of 50 pounds and dimensions of 62 inches in overall length, width, and height. Checked baggage exceeding the maximum quantity, weight, or size will be subject to an excess baggage charge. An extra charge applies for additional, overweight, and/or oversized pieces. In no event will Mesa Airlines, Inc. accept baggage that weighs100 lbs or more and/or baggage with combineddimensions exceeding 115 inches. Special items such as pets, surfboards, bicycles, scuba equipment, etc. are not included in the customer’s baggage allowance and are subject to an extra charge.

Carry-on baggage is limited to one piece per customer, plus a personal item. Small Personal items must be smaller than carry-on items, and consist of articles such as purses, briefcases, laptops, camera with case, small daypacks, infant bags, etc. Carry-on baggage must not exceed the outside linear dimensions of 45” or exceed 1 small personal item. All carry-on items (including small personal items and those exempt from the baggage count) must fit safely in approved carry-on locations. Carry-on baggage allowance may be restricted due to lack of space. Passengers traveling on Mokulele Airlines, Inc. must refer to the Mokulele Airlines, Inc. Contract of Carriage for applicable policies and procedures.

Passengers connecting to another carrier must comply with the more restrictive baggage size and weight requirements. Passengers traveling on Mokulele Airlines, Inc. Cessna Grand Caravan must adhere to the following (*) baggage limitations.
* Mokulele Airlines, Inc. Standard checked baggage may have outside linear dimensions of 45 inches and maximum weight of 50 lbs (22.7 kg) pounds. No articles may exceed maximum outside linear dimensions of 115 inches (92 cm) or a maximum weight of 70lb(31.8 kg).
* Mokulele Airlines, Inc. Carry-on baggage is subject to Maximum Outside Linear Dimensions of 45 inches (114 cm) and a maximum weight of 15 lbs on the Cessna Grand Caravan.

Mesa Airlines, Inc. will accept for transportation as baggage such personal property as is necessary or appropriate for the wear, use, comfort or convenience of the customer for the purpose of the trip. All baggage, checked or carry-on, is subject to inspection including but not limited to electronic search and hand search.

Mesa Airlines, Inc. will refuse to transport or will remove at any airport baggage that the customer refuses to submit for inspection. Mesa Airlines, Inc. may refuse to transport baggage on any flight other than the one carrying the customer.

Mesa Airlines, Inc. will refuse to accept property for transportation that is not suitably packaged to withstand ordinary handling, of a size, weight or character which renders it unsuitable for transportation on the particular aircraft to be used, or that cannot be accommodated without harming or annoying customers. Fragile and perishable items may be accepted if appropriately packaged in an original factory-sealed carton, mailing tube, container, or case designed for shipping such items or packed with airline-approved, protective material. However, fragile items without appropriate packaging may, at the sole discretion of Mesa Airlines, Inc., be accepted upon the execution of a release form furnished by Mesa Airlines, Inc., releasing Mesa Airlines, Inc. from liability for damage to, loss or spoilage of contents, or delay in delivery resulting in damage to, loss or spoilage of such items.

The following articles are classified as hazardous and must not be carried in baggage: compressed gases, corrosives (such as acids and wet batteries), explosives (such as fireworks and munitions), flammables (such as matches and lighter fuels), poisons, magnetic and radioactive materials and all other items restricted by government regulations.

Children information

May I bring my child's car seat on board?
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved infant seats are accepted in the cabin when an additional seat is purchased for the infant.

Note: Bassinets, infant seats and strollers may be accepted as checked baggage at no extra charge. These items are not considered part of the customer's free baggage allowance.

Is a birth certificate required for age verification?
One child over 3 days and under 24 months of age not occupying a seat may be carried for free by a customer paying the applicable adult fare. A birth certificate is required to validate the age of all infants under 24 months. Infants 3 to 7 days need a physician's note stating that they are healthy for air travel.

go!Mokulele does not offer children's fares. Accompanied children ages 2 to 11 will be charged the applicable adult fare for the flight.

Do you charge a service fee for children flying alone?
Children at least 5 years of age but who have not reached their 13th birthday are accepted for unaccompanied travel on direct go!Mokulele flights to and from go!Mokulele destinations provided that travel is not on a flight connecting to another airline flight or on the last flight of the day.

Children less than 5 years of age are not accepted for unaccompanied travel.

All travel by unaccompanied children must be on flights on which the child holds a confirmed reservation. The unaccompanied child must be brought to the airport by the parent or other responsible adult and remain until 15 minutes after flight departure. go!Mokulele must be provided the name and phone number of the parent or other responsible adult who will meet the child upon deplaning.

A one way service fee of $25 will be charged for unaccompanied children. For passengers 12 and older, go!Mokulele will offer the same service on an optional basis.


What pets do you allow and do you charge a fee?
Your household pet, such as a dog or cat, may travel with you in the passenger cabin provided your pet is in a kennel small enough to fit under the seat. There is a $25 fee each way for this service. Only one pet per passenger is allowed in the cabin. Pets cannot be transported in the baggage compartment. Service animals that assist customers with a disability are allowed in the passenger cabin at no extra charge.

Do I need to bring medical documentation for my pet?
Passengers traveling with an animal (dog/cat) must provide a health certificate from a veterinarian dated up to 10 days prior to the date of travel stating that the animal has had all the required shots and is fit to travel.

What size kennel do I need for my pet?
If your pet is traveling with you in the cabin, the dimensions of your pet's kennel must not exceed 15"W X 14"D X 10"H, and the kennel must fit under the seat. Soft-sided kennels are allowed in the cabin. Your pet must be free to stand in an upright position and move about the kennel. The kennel is subject to inspection and approval by go!Mokulele Each passenger is responsible for assuring that the kennel meets all government requirements for safe and humane transport.

If I am traveling with a pet, can I book my reservation online?
No. If you are traveling with a pet, please call the go!Mokulele reservation center toll free at (888)-IFLYGO2 or (888)-435-9462 to book your flight.