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Flight tickets


Air Pacific (Fiji Airways)

General   |   Contact Info   |   Baggage Info   |   Traveling with Children   |   Traveling with Pets

Air Pacific (Fiji Airways) Links
Airline Code: Website:www.airpacific.com Frequent Flyer Program:

Airline Alliance


Airline Alliance

Fiji Airways codeshares with the following airlines:

Airline Alliance: Magazine:Islands
Phone Numbers

Reservations from the USA: 1-800-227-4446

Code-share Partners

Baggage information

Hand baggage you can bring with you into the cabin for international flights is as follows:

Adults in Bussines class can take 2 pieces, the total dimensions of which must not exceed 115cm (45in) and weight up to 7kg per piece
Adults in Economy class - 1 piece up to 7 kg and must not exceed 105cm (39in)
For Infants between 0-2 years in all classes hand baggage allowance is plus 3kgs for accompanying adults.

Checked Baggage

All destinations (except travel to/from USA/CANADA)


Passenger type Class Weight allowance
Adults Business 30kg
  Economy 23kg
Infants (0-2 yrs) All classes 10kg + stroller


Travel to/from USA & Canada (Except Hawaii)

Passengers in Business and Economy class can take 2 pieces with total dimensions of the 2 pieces not exceeding 270cm (106in) and no 1 piece exceeding 158cm (62in). Weight allowance for Business class is 30kg per piece and 23kg for Economy class.
Infants under 2 years - 10kg + stroller

Travel to/from Honolulu

Business class - 2 pieces with total dimensions of the 2 pieces not exceeding 270cm (106in) and no 1 piece exceeding 158cm (62in), weight up to 30 kg per piece

Economy class - 1 piece, with total dimensions not exceeding 158cm (62in), weight up to 23 kg

Be sure to label baggage inside and out, and with your name, address and contact number for your destination. Labels can be obtained from Air Pacific, your local travel agent or at check-in.
Connection from USA/Honolulu to domestic

All economy class passengers connecting to/from LAX/HNL on to Pacific Sun Domestic Services will be charged for 2nd & additional pieces FJD60 per piece. This charge will be collected at the Pacific Sun counter during check-in.

Excess baggage

Excess baggage charges apply when a traveler's checked-in baggage exceeds the free allowance either by weight or by the number of pieces permitted. Please contact your nearest Air Pacific office to find out the applicable excess baggage fees for your journey.

Children information

Infant Bookings
A minor is regarded as an infant in relation to carriage on Air Pacific aircraft if they are between the age of 7 days and up to the date of their second birthday. Infant bookings can currently be made on the Air Pacific websites. Infants who do not occupy a separate seat are carried for 10% of the applicable adult fare.

Bassinets are available for infants and will be allocated at check-in.

Children’s meals
Air Pacific offers children’s meals for those aged 2 – 11 years. Children's meals may be requested during the online booking process or by contacting your travel agent or your nearest Air Pacific office. Infant meals may also be arranged, however, cannot be requested during the online booking process.

Infants under 2 years of age
- An infant may be held on an adult’s lap only if the travelling adult has not supplied an approved Child restraint system (CRS). The infant must be restrained by an infant belt or extension belt looped through the adults fastened seat belt. For Safety reasons, an adult shall only hold one infant on their lap.
- An infant may occupy a seat if restrained by one of the approved child restraint systems listed below. In this case a child fare would apply.
-. An adult may travel with a maximum of 2 infants provided, the first must sit on the adult's lap, while the second must occupy a seat and be restrained in an approved child restraint system.
- An infant must be over 7 days old to travel on Air Pacific Services.
- An infant held on an adult’s lap and not occupying a seat is eligible for an infant fare.
-. Where an adult is travelling with a second infant, a seat will need to be reserved and the second infant seated in an approved child restraint system. A child fare will be payable.

Strollers are not allowed in the cabin, they must be checked in and are included in the infants checked baggage allowance of 10 kilograms.

Children over 2 years of age
A child is over 2 years of age and up to and including 11 years of age. Each child must occupy a seat and be able to sit upright without assistance. Children between 2 and 3 years of age and under 18kg may be seated in an approved child restraint system as described above. A child fare is applicable to all children that occupy a seat.

Children travelling alone (unaccompanied minors)

Children can travel alone on Air Pacific services if they are aged between 7 to 11 years inclusive. Children aged under 7 years must have an escort. An escort can be provided by Air Pacific at the customer's expense or may be a person travelling who is known to the child who is 16 years of age or older and approved by the child’s parents.

Exception: Children aged 5 and 6 years of age will be permitted to travel on single leg flights of up to 6 hours duration without an escort.

Note 3: The number of infants permitted on each aircraft will be restricted based on the number of infant life jackets on each aircraft type.

To find out more or to make arrangements for an unaccompanied minor, please contact your travel agent or your nearest Air Pacific office.


Air Pacific assist with the carriage of live animals, including commercial livestock, prime breeding stock, valuable zoological species and domestic pets. Our trained staff will provide you with information on regulations to assist with the carriage of live animals.